
Minggu, 25 November 2012

A10 Thunderbolt II

A10 Thunderbolt II


A-10 Thunderbolt II memiliki manuver yang sangat baik pada kecepatan udara rendah dan ketinggian, dan merupakan sebuah platform senjata-pengiriman yang sangat akurat dan survivable. Pesawat dapat berkeliaran daerah pertempuran dekat untuk waktu yang lama dan beroperasi di langit-langit rendah dan kondisi visibilitas. Jari-jari lebar tempur dan lepas landas pendek dan mendarat operasi izin kemampuan dalam dan keluar dari lokasi dekat garis depan. Menggunakan kacamata night vision, A-10 pilot dapat melakukan misi mereka selama kegelapan.

Dengan memiliki Sistem  Pencitraan malam atau Night Vision, atau NVIS, goggle kompatibel satu kursi cockpits maju dari sayap mereka dan sebuah kanopi gelembung besar yang menyediakan semua-pemandangan di sekitar pilot. Pilot dilindungi oleh baju besi titanium yang juga melindungi bagian dari sistem kontrol penerbangan. Bagian berlebihan struktural utama memungkinkan pesawat untuk menikmati bertahan hidup lebih baik selama dukungan udara dibanding pesawat sebelumnya. Pesawat bisa bertahan tembakan langsung dari armor-piercing dan proyektil peledak tinggi hingga 23mm. Self-sealing sel bahan bakar mereka dilindungi oleh busa internal dan eksternal. Sistem manual back up berlebihan hidrolik mereka penerbangan-sistem kontrol. Hal ini memungkinkan pilot untuk terbang dan mendarat ketika tenaga hidrolik hilang.
Pesawat ini dioperasikan dari basis keras dengan fasilitas terbatas di dekat daerah pertempuran. Banyak dari bagian pesawat yang dipertukarkan kiri dan kanan, termasuk mesin, roda pendaratan utama dan stabilisator vertikal. Avionics peralatan termasuk multi-band komunikasi, Global Positioning System dan inersia sistem navigasi, penanggulangan inframerah dan elektronik terhadap udara-udara-dan udara-ke-permukaan ancaman. Dan, ia memiliki layar kepala-up untuk menampilkan informasi penerbangan dan pengiriman senjata.

Selain itu, dapat menggunakan berbagai macam amunisi konvensional, termasuk bom tujuan umum, unit bom klaster, dipandu laser yang bom, amunisi serangan gabungan langsung atau JDAM, angin dikoreksi amunisi dispenser atau WCMD, AGM-65 Maverick dan AIM-9 Sidewinder rudal, roket, flare pencahayaan, dan GAU-8 / A meriam 30mm, mampu menembakkan 3.900 putaran per menit untuk mengalahkan berbagai macam target termasuk tank.

Laman asli :

MissionThe A-10 Thunderbolt II has excellent maneuverability at low air speeds and altitude, and is a highly accurate and survivable weapons-delivery platform. The aircraft can loiter near battle areas for extended periods of time and operate in low ceiling and visibility conditions. The wide combat radius and short takeoff and landing capability permit operations in and out of locations near front lines. Using night vision goggles, A-10 pilots can conduct their missions during darkness.

Thunderbolt IIs have Night Vision Imaging Systems, or NVIS, goggle compatible single-seat cockpits forward of their wings and a large bubble canopy which provides pilots all-around vision. The pilots are protected by titanium armor that also protects parts of the flight-control system. The redundant primary structural sections allow the aircraft to enjoy better survivability during close air support than did previous aircraft. The aircraft can survive direct hits from armor-piercing and high explosive projectiles up to 23mm. Their self-sealing fuel cells are protected by internal and external foam. Manual systems back up their redundant hydraulic flight-control systems. This permits pilots to fly and land when hydraulic power is lost.

The A-10 has received many upgrades over the years. In 1978, the aircraft received the Pave Penny laser receiver pod, which sensed reflected laser radiation from a laser designator. Pave Penney has now been discontinued in favor more capable advanced targeting pods. The A-10 began receiving an inertial navigation system in 1980. Later, the Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement (LASTE) upgrade provided computerized weapon-aiming equipment, an autopilot, and a ground-collision warning system. In 1999, aircraft began to receive Global Positioning System navigation systems and a new multi-function display. In 2005, the entire A-10 fleet began receiving the Precision Engagement upgrades that include an improved fire control system (FCS), electronic countermeasures (ECM), upgraded cockpit displays, the ability to deliver smart bombs, moving map display, hands on throttle and stick, digital stores management, LITENING and Sniper advanced targeting pod integration, situational awareness data link or SADL, variable message format, or VMF, GPS-guided weapons, and upgraded DC power. The entire A-10 fleet has been Precision Engagement modified and now carries the A-10C designation.

The Thunderbolt II can be serviced and operated from austere bases with limited facilities near battle areas. Many of the aircraft's parts are interchangeable left and right, including the engines, main landing gear and vertical stabilizers. Avionics equipment includes multi-band communications; Global Positioning System and inertial navigations systems; infrared and electronic countermeasures against air-to-air and air-to-surface threats. And, it has a heads-up display to display flight and weapons delivery information.

The Thunderbolt II can employ a wide variety of conventional munitions, including general purpose bombs, cluster bomb units, laser guided bombs, joint direct attack munitions or JDAM, wind corrected munitions dispenser or WCMD, AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, rockets, illumination flares, and the GAU-8/A 30mm cannon, capable of firing 3,900 rounds per minute to defeat a wide variety of targets including tanks.

BackgroundThe first production A-10A was delivered to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., in October 1975. The upgraded A-10C reached initial operation capability in September 2007. Specifically designed for close air support, its combination of large and varied ordnance load, long loiter time, accurate weapons delivery, austere field capability, and survivability has proven invaluable to the United States and its allies. The aircraft has participated in operations Desert Storm, Southern Watch, Provide Comfort, Desert Fox, Noble Anvil, Deny Flight, Deliberate Guard, Allied Force, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.

General Characteristics
Primary Function: 
Close air support, Airborne Forward Air Control, Combat Search and Rescue
Contractor: Fairchild Republic Co.
Power Plant: Two General Electric TF34-GE-100 turbofans
Thrust: 9,065 pounds each engine
Wingspan: 57 feet, 6 inches (17.42 meters)
Length: 53 feet, 4 inches (16.16 meters)
Height: 14 feet, 8 inches (4.42 meters)
Weight: 29,000 pounds (13,154 kilograms)
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 51,000 pounds (22,950 kilograms)
Fuel Capacity: 11,000 pounds (7,257 kilograms)
Payload: 16,000 pounds (7,257 kilograms)
Speed: 450 nautical miles per hour (Mach 0.75)
Range: 2580 miles (2240 nautical miles)
Ceiling: 45,000 feet (13,636 meters)
Armament: One 30 mm GAU-8/A seven-barrel Gatling gun; up to 16,000 pounds (7,200 kilograms) of mixed ordnance on eight under-wing and three under-fuselage pylon stations, including 500 pound (225 kilograms) Mk-82 and 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms) Mk-84 series low/high drag bombs, incendiary cluster bombs, combined effects munitions, mine dispensing munitions, AGM-65 Maverick missiles and laser-guided/electro-optically guided bombs; infrared countermeasure flares; electronic countermeasure chaff; jammer pods; 2.75-inch (6.99 centimeters) rockets; illumination flares and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.
Crew: One
Unit Cost: $18.8 million
Initial operating capability: A-10A, 1977; A-10C, 2007
Inventory: Active force, 187; Reserve, 49; ANG, 107

Point of Contact
Air Combat Command, Public Affairs Office; 130 Andrews St., Suite 202; Langley AFB, VA 23665-1987; DSN 574-5007 or 757-764-5007; e-mail:

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