
Minggu, 25 November 2012

Mesin-mesin perang Amerika Serikat - USS Abraham Lincoln

Carrier Air Wing 2 (CARAIRWING TWO)


CVW-2 carrier air wing two patch crest insignia
CVW-2 carrier air wing two carairwing
aircraft of Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2) fly in formation


established: December 20, 1963 (redesignated from CVG-2)
Homebase: Naval Air Station Lemoore, California
Aircraft Carrier: USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
tailcode: NE


CVW-2 history:


The first of seven combat deployments to Southeast Asia began in 1965. Air Wing TWO was credited with the first three confirmed Mig-17 kills over North Vietnam. In July 1966, the Air Wing marked its first all-Phantom deployment and E-2A Hawkeyes joined the team. Coordinated carrier operations in the Gulf of Tonkin earned the Air Wing the Navy Unit Commendation in February 1967.


CVW-2 began a long affiliation with USS Ranger during the 1967-68 deployment. New A-7A Corsairs and A-6A Intruders made CVW-2 the first all jet Attack Carrier Air Wing. CVW-2 spent thirty days of the deployment in the Sea of Japan reacting to North Korea's seizure of USS PUEBLO (AGER-2), earning the Air Wing the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and Meritorious Unit Commendation. During its last Vietnam deployment, which began in December 1972, CVW-2 introduced laser-guided bombs (LGBs) to Navy combat operations with great success. Strikes by VA-145 destroyed fourteen of fifteen targeted bridges within three hours. CVW-2 made its first peacetime deployment in over twelve years in 1974. CVW-2 was then redesignated Carrier Air Wing TWO as part of the CV concept. In 1979, anti-submarine combat units joined the team with VS-29 flying S-3A Vikings and HS-2 in SH-3D Sea Kings. VF-1 and VF-2 flying the F-14A Tomcat were assigned for the September 1980 deployment, four months of which were spent in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf awaiting the release of the U.S. hostages in Iran. The Air Wing made its tenth straight deployment aboard USS Ranger in 1982 before reassignment to USS Kitty Hawk.

CVW-2 returned to Ranger in 1987, largely composed of Grumman aircraft. The "Grumman Air Wing" deployed to the Western Pacific/Indian Ocean in July 1987 flying many "Earnest Will" escort missions into the Persian Gulf. CVW-2 also flew in support of U.S. military assaults on oil platforms used as staging bases for Iranian militia attacking tankers in the Persian Gulf. From February to August 1989, RANGER/CVW-2 conducted normal patrol operations in the Western Pacific/Indian Ocean. Following that deployment, VMA(AW)-121 left CVW-2 and was replaced by VA-155.

Gulf War

1 April 1997, 18 June 1999 and 16 March 2001 marked the beginnings of Western Pacific and Persian Gulf deployments for CVW-2 and the USS Constellation. Throughout these combined 18 months of deployed time, CVW-2 has successfully conducted a total of over 33 weeks of high tempo operations in the Persian Gulf, including more than 13,000 sorties while in Fifth Fleet’s Area of Responsibility. Operations during the last three deployments have included joint-combined exercises with forces from allied countries in the Persian Gulf region, as well as exercises with Saudi Arabian, Qatari, Kuwait, and Bahrain. In addition to flying training missions, CVW-2 has flown over 3,500 sorties in support of Operation Southern Watch, enforcing the no-fly zone over Southern Iraq and CVW-2 aircrew lead the opening strikes on Baghdad at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. CVW-2 and the USS Constellation flew 26 continuous days of combat over Iraq, clearing the way for our ground force advance on Baghdad.

Port calls during the past three deployments have included stops in Sydney and Perth, Western Australia, Manama (Bahrain), Jebel Ali (United Arab Emirates), Singapore, Kelang (Malaysia), Hong Kong (China), Pusan (Korea), Yokosuka (Japan), and Hawaii.


CVW-2 carrier air wing two aboard USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72
CVW-2 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - March 2008

CVW-2 carrier air wing two aboard USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72
CVW-2 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - March 2008

aircraft of CVW-2 / Pacific Ocean - July 2006

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - May 2006

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - March 2006

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - March 2006

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - July 2005

CVW-2 carrier air wing two fly over USS Constellation CV-64
aircraft of CVW-2 fly over USS Constellation (CV 64) - May 2003

CVW-2 carrier air wing two aboard USS Constellation CV-64
CVW-2 aboard USS Constellation (CV 64) - San Diego - November 2002

CVW-2 aboard USS Constellation (CV 64) - Sydney, Australia - April 2001

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Constellation (CV 64) - April 2001

CVW-2 carrier air wing two aboard USS Ranger CV-61
aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - October 1992

CVW-2 carrier air wing two aboard USS Ranger CV-61
CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - August 1992

CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - August 1992

CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - June 1991

CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - January 1991

aircraft of CVW-2 fly over USS Ranger (CV 61) - 1989

aircraft of CVW-2 over and aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - 1989

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - December 1988

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - Pearl Harbor - June 1986

CVW-2 carrier air wing two aboard USS Kitty Hawk CV-63
aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) - May 1, 1983

CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - August 1982

CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - November 1981

aircraft of CVW-2 aboard USS Ranger (CV 61) - June 1980


CVW-2 carrier air wing two patch crest insignia

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