
Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

New unified family of the
MiG-29K/KUB, MiG-29M/M2, MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters
In 2005 the RAC "MiG" commenced production of new unified family of multi-role fighters, belonging to the "4++" generation, consisting of:
– carrier-based MiG-29K (single seat) & MiG-29KUB (double seat) fighters;
– front-line MiG-29M (single seat) & MiG-29M2 (double seat) fighters;
– front-line MiG-35 (single seat) & MiG-35D (double seat) fighters.
All fighters have a high level of structure, power plant, airborne systems, avionics and weapons unification. The fighters unified family will be in production and subjected to improvements for a long time.



Both the MiG-29K (single seat) and MiG-29KUB (double seat) aircraft are the "4++" generation multi-role fighters intended for air-defense missions of naval forces, air superiority gaining, sea & ground targets destruction with the high precision guided weapons day and night and in any weather conditions.

The MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters are the basic aircraft of a new unified family including also the MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft.

The MiG-29K/KUB aircraft are based on the aircraft-carriers with tonnage from 28,000 tons, equipped with take-off ramp and landing arrestor, as well as at the airfields.
Main technical and technological innovations, applied on the MiG-29K/KUB fighters are the following:
– improved airframe with about 15% composite materials application;
– folding wing with upgraded high-lift devices improving take-off/landing performance;
– fly-by-wire control system with quadruple redundancy;
– significantly reduced signature in radar range;
– increased weapons load, stored at eight external hard points;
– increased internal fuel capacity and in-flight refueling possibility;
– possibility of other aircraft refueling being equipped with "PAZ-1MK" refueling unit.
The MiG-29K/KUB fighters as well as other aircraft of the unified family, have improved operational characteristics and higher reliability of assemblies, systems and units. In comparison with the previous fighters, the MiG-29K/KUB flight hours are increased more than twice, but a flight hour cost is reduced about 2.5 times. The MiG-29K/KUB fighters operate without overhaul.

The power plant includes two engines RD-33MK with increased thrust power, equipped with smokeless combustion chamber and new electronic control system (of FADEC type). Engines are of the module structure and have increased reliability and service life.

The airborne avionics is of the open architecture based on MIL-STD-1553B standard.

The fighter has multi-role, multi-mode "pulse-Doppler" type radar "Zhuk-ME" manufactured by "Fazotron-NIIP" Corporation. The radar is provided with the slot array. As compared with radars of the previous generation, "Zhuk-ME" has wider scanning angle in azimuth, twice longer target detection range, less weight and increased reliability. "Zhuk-ME" provides tracking up to 10 air targets with four targets simultaneous firing with missiles.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters are equipped with state-of-the-art multi-channel IRST with target designation system to the anti-radar passive war-head missiles.

There is the possibility of installation on aircraft of IR and laser sighting equipment pods for ground targets illumination.

Avionics’ open architecture allows installation on aircraft of new equipment and weapons of Russian and foreign origin upon customer’s request.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters are equipped with the built-in automated integrated system "Karat" of serviceability check and data recording, video-recorder, computer-aided flight mission recording into the airborne radio-electronic system as well as airborne autonomous power generation station used for the equipment ground checks without main engines starting-up.

Weapons system includes "A-A", "A-S" missiles, guided aerial bombs, rockets, aerial bombs and built-in air-gun of 30 mm caliber. Upon request of the customer the new types of weapons can be applied.

Both the single and double seat versions of aircraft have the same airborne equipment and weapons as well as the high unification level of structure.

For the MiG-29K/KUB fighters the full set of training means was developed including the full mission simulator with the motion system.

The MiG-29KUB aircraft first flight took place in January 2007.

The MiG-29K/KUB fighters are in production under order of the Indian Navy.
Length, m17,317,3
Wing span, m*11,9911,99
Height, m4,44,4
Take-off weight, kg:
- standard18 55018 650
- maximum24 50024 500
Maximum flight speed, km/h:
- near ground14001400
- at high altitude22002100
Service ceiling, m17 50017 500
Maximum G-load88
Ferry range, km:
- without drop tanks20001700
- with 3 drop tanks30002700
- with 3 drop tanks & one in-flight refueling55005500
Take-off thrust, kgf2х90002х9000
Number of external stations88
"A-A" missiles:
- middle range6хRVV-AE6хRVV-AE
- short range8хR-73E8хR-73E
"A-S" missiles:
- anti-ship4хKh-31A, Kh-35E4хKh-31A, Kh-35E
- anti-radar4хKh-31P4хKh-31P
Guided bombs4хKAB-500Kr4хKAB-500Kr
Air gun, 30 mmGSh-301GSh-301
* in unfolded (fly) condition

MiG-29M и MiG-29M2

Both the MiG-29M (single seat) and MiG-29M2 (double seat) aircraft are the "4++" generation multi-role fighters with the extended range, weapons increased load and airborne weapons broad nomenclature.
Main technical and technological innovations applied on the MiG-29M/M2 fighters are as follows:
– improved fuselage & wing;
– fly-by-wire control system with quadruple redundancy;
– significantly reduced radar signature;
– increased internal fuel capacity and in-flight refueling possibility;
– increased weapons load stored at nine external hard points.
The MiG-29M/M2 fighters belong to the new unified combat aircraft family designed on the basis of MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters.

The power plant includes RD-33MK engines with increased thrust power, equipped with smokeless combustion chamber and new electronic control system (of FADEC type). Engines are of the module structure and have increased reliability and service life.

Upon customer’s request the fighters can be equipped with the modified "all aspect" vectored thrust RD-33MK engine ensuring the aircraft superiority in a maneuvering dogfight. The power plant of two vectored thrust engines was tested on the super-maneuverable prototype-aircraft MiG-29M OVT.

The MiG-29M/M2 fighters are remarkable for the improved operational characteristics and increased reliability of assemblies, systems and units. As compared to the previous fighters the flight hour cost is reduced about 2.5 times. The MiG-29M/M2 fighters are intended for the on-condition maintenance.

The airborne avionics is of the open architecture based on MIL-STD-1553B standard that allows the installation on aircraft of new equipment and weapons of Russian and foreign origin upon customer request.

The fighter has multi-role, multi-mode "pulse-Doppler" type radar "Zhuk-ME" manufactured by "Fazotron-NIIP" Corporation. The radar is provided with the slot array. As compared with radars of the previous generation, "Zhuk-ME" has wider scanning angle in azimuth, twice longer target detection range, less weight and increased reliability. "Zhuk-ME" provides tracking up to 10 air targets with four targets simultaneous firing with missiles.

The MiG-29M/M2 fighters are equipped with state-of-the-art multi-channel IRST with target designation system to the anti-radar passive war-head missiles.

There is the possibility of installation on aircraft of IR and laser sighting equipment pods for ground targets illumination.

Weapons system includes "A-A", "A-S" missiles, guided aerial bombs, rockets, aerial bombs and built-in air-gun of 30 mm caliber. Upon request of the customer the new types of weapons can be applied. The MiG-29M/M2 fighters weapons allow to destruct air targets as well as the movable and stationary ground/surface targets.

Both the single and double seat versions of aircraft have the same airborne equipment and weapons as well as the high unification level of structure.

For the MiG-29M/M2 fighters the full set of training means was developed.
Take-off weight, kg:
- normal17 50017 800
Maximum airspeed, km/h:
- near ground15001500
- at high altitude24002400
Maximum M-number2,252,25
Service ceiling, m17 50017 500
Maximum G-load99
Ferry range, km:
- without drop tanks20001800
- 3 drop tanks32003000
- 3 drop tanks & one in-flight refueling60006000
Take-off thrust, kgf2х90002х9000
Number of external stations99
"A-A" missiles:
- middle range6хRVV-AE6хRVV-AE
- short range8хR-73E8хR-73E
"A-S" missiles:
- general purpose4хKh-29T(TE)4хKh-29T(TE)
- anti-ship4хKh-31A, Kh-35E4хKh-31A, Kh-35E
- anti-radar4хKh-31P4хKh-31P
Guided bombs4хKAB-500Kr4хKAB-500Kr
Built-in air gun, 30 mmGSh-301GSh-301


The MiG-35 (single seat) and MiG-35D (double seat) are the "4++" generation multi-role fighters, exhibiting the further development of the MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M/M2 fighters in the field of the combat efficiency enhancement, universality and operational characteristics improvement.
The MiG-35/MiG-35D main features are the following:
– the fifth generation information-sighting systems integration into aircraft airborne avionics;
– possibility of advanced Russian and foreign origin weapons application;
– increased combat survivability due to integration of airborne integrated defense system.
State-of-the art avionics in combination with advanced weapons allow the MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters fulfill a great number of missions:
– air superiority gaining against four & fifth generation fighters;
– interception of existing and being developed air attack means;
– ground/surface targets destruction with high precision weapons without entering the air defense zone day and night in any weather conditions;
– air reconnaissance using optical-electronic and radio-technical equipment;
– participation in group actions and air control over groups of fighters.
The MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters structure is based upon the following achievements obtained on the MiG-29K/KUB, MiG-29M/M2 aircraft:
– increased weapons load stored at nine external stations;
– increased fuel capacity, in-flight refueling and possibility of using as a tanker;
– airframe & main systems anti-corrosion protection technology which meets the standards developed for carrier-based aircraft thus simplifying fighters operation in tropical weather conditions;
– significantly reduced radar signature;
– three channel fly-by-wire control system with quadruple redundancy.
In the course of the MiG-35 aircraft development the most attention was paid to operational characteristics improvement:
– reliability of aircraft, engines and avionics is significantly increased;
– lifetime and service life are extended;
– mean time between overhauls (MTBO) of engines is increased;
– the MiG-35 aircraft flight hour cost is almost 2.5 times lower than those of the MiG-29 fighter;
– the MiG-35 aircraft is intended for the on-condition maintenance.
The complex of technical and technological solutions has been developed for the MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft which provides for independent operation, like airborne oxygen generation plant.

The power plant includes two engines RD-33MK with increased thrust power, equipped with smokeless combustion chamber and new electronic control system (of FADEC type). Engines are of the module structure and have increased reliability and service life.

Upon customer request the fighters can be equipped with "all aspect" thrust vectored RD-33MK engines ensuring the aircraft superiority in the maneuvering dogfight. The power plant of two thrust vectored engines was tested on the super-maneuverable prototype-aircraft MiG-29M OVT.

The airborne avionics of the MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft is developed on the basis of the new generation technologies.
The multi-role radar with active phased array provides for advantage over the competitors due to the following factors:
– extended range of operating frequencies;
– increased quantity of detected, tracked and attacked targets;
– possibility of simultaneous attack of air and ground targets;
– extended detection range;
– enhanced resolution in the surface mapping mode;
– high jamming protection and survivability.
The IRST system with infra-red, TV and laser sighting equipment has been developed using the space technologies which were not applied previously in aviation. The system distinctive features are the increased range, detection, tracking, identification and lock-on of air, ground/surface targets in the forward and rear hemispheres, at day and night measuring the distance with laser range-finder as well as the formation of target designation and laser illumination of ground targets. The IRST system and new helmet-mounted target designation system are integrated into the armament control system. In addition to the built-in IRST system the MiG-35 aircraft is equipped with a podded one.

The MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft is provided with a defense system including in particular:
– radio electronic reconnaissance and electronic counter measures;
– optronic systems for detection of attacking missiles and laser emission;
– decoy dispensers to counteract the enemy in the radar and infrared ranges.

In addition to the "A-A" and "A-S" class weapons applied on the MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M/M2 aircraft the advanced aircraft armament, which have not been offered earlier for export, is being included into the MiG-35/MiG-35D aircraft weapons. The long range weapons capable to attack targets without approaching the air defence zone are among them.

Avionics’ open architecture allows installation on aircraft of new equipment and weapons of Russian and foreign origin upon customer’s request.

Both the single and double seat versions of aircraft have the same airborne equipment and weapons as well as the high unification level of structure.

For the MiG-35/MiG-35D fighters the full set of training means was developed including the interactive computer-based training system and a number of simulators including the full-mission simulator with a motion system.

The basic version of the MiG-35/MiG-35D fighter is designed taking into account the international cooperation organization when developing new modifications of aircraft and during serial production.

MiG-27K (MiG 23) Flogger Fighter Bomber, Russian Federation

MiG-27 Flogger fighter bomber

A full size mock-up of the X-31 missile, suspended under a MiG-27M.

The MiG-23UB combat trainer.

The MiG-27K fighter bomber aircraft is a ground-attack variant of the MiG-23 fighter and manufactured by RSK MiG and the Irkutsk Aircraft Production Association Joint Stock Company. Both the MiG-23 fighter aircraft and the MiG-27 fighter bomber aircraft are sometimes referred to by the NATO codename Flogger.
The MiG-27 entered service with the Soviet Union air force in 1975 and its maiden flight took place in August 1970. The aircraft is no longer in service with Russia, but remains in service with India (117 aircraft) and Sri Lanka (seven).
The MiG-27K variant of the MiG-27 family is a variable geometry wing fighter bomber. The primary mission of the aircraft is the destruction of moving and stationary, fixed and mobile ground targets including hardened targets.
In February 2010 a MiG-27 crashed at Siliguri Village, West Bengal, due to defects in its R29 engines.

Missiles on the MiG-27K

The aircraft carries three types of air-to-surface missile. The Kh-23M air-to-surface missile (NATO codename AS-7 Kerry) is supplied by the Zvezda-Strela State Research and Production Centre, Moscow.

The Kh-29ML (NATO designation AS-14 Kedge), built by Vympel, uses semi-active laser guidance and has a range up to 10km. The missile is equipped with a 317kg penetrating warhead.
The Kh-25ML (NATO designation AS-12 Kegler), also supplied by Zvezda, has semi-active laser guidance and the range is between 2.5km and 10km. The missile is equipped with a high-explosive (HE) 86kg warhead.
The anti-radar missile is the Zvezda Kh-27PS (NATO designation AS-12 Kegler).
The air-to-air missile carried on the MiG-27K is the R-60M (NATO designation AA-8 Aphid) supplied by Vympel. The missile has the capability to engage targets manoeuvring at an acceleration up to 12g. The R-60M has a range of target designation angles to ±20° and an infrared homing head with photodetector cooling.


The MiG-27K can carry the KAB-500L laser-guided bomb and KAB-500KR television-guided bomb, which are supplied by the Region State Research and Production Enterprise in Moscow.
The KAB-500L has semi-active laser homing and is armed with a 380kg high-explosive warhead.
The KAB-500KR television-guided bomb operates on the 'drop and forget' principle. Target lock-on for a parked aircraft is achieved at a range of 15-17km in visibility of 10km.
The warhead can pierce a reinforced concrete barrier up to 1.5m thick.
The aircraft can also carry S-24, S-25, S-8, S5 unguided rockets, and a range of aerial bombs up to 500kg size, cluster bombs and incendiary devices.


The aircraft has a built-in 30mm Sh-6-30 gun with 260 rounds of ammunition. The gun, supplied by the Instrument Design Bureau, based in Tula, fires HEFI rounds and AO-18 cartridges.

The aircraft is also equipped with an SPPU-22 two-barrel, 23mm gun pod with 200 rounds of ammunition. The SPPU-22 pod houses a GSh-23 aircraft gun.
The Sh-6-30's maximum fire rate is 5,000 rounds a minute and its muzzle velocity is 850m per second.
The maximum fire rate is 3,000 rounds a minute and the muzzle velocity is 715m per second.


The MiG-27K aircraft is equipped with a modern electronic countermeasures suite, including a new passive jamming system.

MiG-27K avionics

The MiG-27K is equipped with the PrNK-23K integrated navigation and aiming system, which consists of an Orbita-20-23K digital computer, an optical television indicator and a Kaira-1 laser and television sighting system for KAB-500L and KAB-500KR guided aerial bombs. The target lock-on range is 7km-8km.
The KN-23 navigation system installed on the MiG-27K incorporates a Radical navigation system in place of the RSBN-6s short-range radio navigation system.
The MiG-27K does not carry any airborne radar.
The radio-command systems installed on the MiG-27K are the Delta-NM and the Viyuga anti-radar missile control system for the Kh-27PS missile, which is installed in an externally mounted pod.


The MiG-27Kis powered by a Khatchaturov R-29B-300 afterburning turbojet engine, which produces 78.5kN of dry thurst. Its thrust afterburner is 112.8kN. The aircraft can carry up to four PTBB-800 external fuel tanks.


The combat radius and ferry range of the aircraft are 780km and 2,500km respectively. Its service ceiling is 14,000m.
The MiG-27K can climb at a rate of 200m per second. The maximum and cruise speed of the aircraft are 1,800km per hour and 1,250km per hour, respectively. Its maximum range is 2,100km.
The aircraft weighs 11,908kg and its maximum take-off weight is 20,670kg.

MiG-25P Foxbat Interceptor, Russian Federation

MiG-25P Foxbat interceptor

The MiG-25 fighter series of aircraft are known by the NATO codename Foxbat.

A MiG-25RBF 'Foxbat' variant.

Mig-25RB, a derivative of the MiG-25P.

The MiG-25P is an interceptor aircraft for countering air targets in all weather conditions, by day and by night, and in dense hostile electronic warfare environments. The MiG-25P constitutes a part of the Russian S-155P missile interceptor system. The MiG-25P is produced by RSK MiG, which is based in Moscow and the Sokol Aircraft Manufacturing Plant Joint Stock Company at Nizhni Novgorod in Russia. The MiG-25 fighter series are known by the NATO codename Foxbat and are in service in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, India, Iraq, Algeria, Syria and Libya.
The MiG-25 is one of the fastest combat aircraft ever produced, capable of achieving speeds in excess of Mach 2.83. Production ended in 1984.

MiG-25P aircraft design

The MiG-25P is a twin-finned, high-wing monoplane with slightly swept wings and a variable-angle tail plane. To improve the aircraft's longitudinal stability, and to avert stall at steep angles and subsonic speed, there are two shallow upper-surface fences on each wing. The high-wing monoplane configuration together with lateral air intakes have the effect of reducing the loss of aerodynamic efficiency resulting from wing-fuselage interference.


The aircraft is armed with four R-40 (Nato codename AA-6 Acrid) air-to-air missiles equipped with infrared and radar homing heads. The range of these missiles is 2-60km. The missiles are suspended from four underwing pylons. It may also be fitted with two R-40 and four R-60 (AA-8 Aphid), or two R-23 (AA-Apex) and four R-73 (AA-11 Archer). The MiG-25 is not fitted with a gun.


The MiG-25P is fitted with electronic equipment including: Smerch-A2 radar sight (Nato codename Fox Fire), developed by the Phazotron Research and Production Company; Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder; aircraft responder to maintain communications with guidance and landing radars operating in active radio-location mode; and radar warning receiver. The flight control and navigation equipment includes ARK-10 automatic radio compass, RV-4 radio altimeter and Polyot-11 navigation-landing system. The Polyot-11 navigation and landing system, coupled with ground radio beacon and landing radio beacons, provides programmed aircraft manoeuvres including climb, en-route flight, returns to the take-off aerodrome or to one of the three emergency airfields, and low-run landing approach and missed approach manoeuvres.


The aircraft is powered by two R-15B-300 single-shaft turbojets, arranged in the tail section of the fuselage. The engines develop 11,200kgf of thrust with fully selected afterburner. The engines provide a maximum speed of 3,000km/hour at high altitude. The maximum speed at low altitude is 1,200km/hour. The aircraft has a service ceiling of 22,500 metres. The range at altitudes between 9-11km with speed of Mach 0.85 is 1,950km. At higher altitudes between 20-21km and speed Mach 2.35, the range is 1,650km. The maximum in-service g-load is 4.5g.

MIG-25 variants

The MiG-25R, MiG-25RB and MiG-25BM are derivatives from the MiG-25P. The MiG-25R is a tactical reconnaissance aircraft. The MiG-25RB is a variant for bombing area and large targets. The aircraft is fitted with a reconnaissance station, aerial camera, topographic aerial camera, the Peteng sighting and navigation system to bomb programmed targets, and electronic countermeasures (ECM) equipment, which includes active jamming and electronic reconnaissance systems.
The MiG-25BM aircraft has the capability to launch guided missiles against ground targets, and to destroy area targets, targets with known co-ordinates, and enemy radars. The airborne anti-radar Kh-58 (Nato codename AS-11 Kilter) missiles are capable of destroying enemy radars, such as the targeting radars of Hawk-type air defence missile systems, at stand-off ranges. The launch range of the Kh-58 is from 40-300km. The Kh-58U missile is developed and manufactured by the Raduga Engineering Design Bureau, Moscow.

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