
Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


HMS Ocean Crest

'Britain’s biggest warship', HMS Ocean is currently in her home port of Devonport and in the midst of a scheduled period of maintenance. She returned in the latter part of last year from Greenwich, London, where she was moored for the duration of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

More usually, as a helicopter carrier and amphibious assault ship, Ocean is designed to deliver troops to the centre of the action by helicopter or by landing craft – we have six helicopter operating spots on our flight deck and our hangar can hold many more aircraft. We have our own Royal Marine assault squadron, 9ASRM, and we also carry four Mk5 landing craft vehicle and personnel (LCVP).
Built on the Clyde by Kvaerner Govan, Ocean was a new approach to naval shipbuilding using commercial-build methods and techniques. The ship was launched in October 1995, and named by Her Majesty the Queen on February 20 1998.
We were commissioned in September 1998 in our homeport of Devonport – the heart of the Navy’s amphibious fleet. Until the arrival of the Queen Elizabeth class carriers, HMS Ocean is the largest warship in the Navy’s surface fleet.
Ocean deployed as part of the Cougar deployment with the Response Force Task Group (RFTG) in April 2011.
After working up with the group she was diverted to Libya where she conducted Strike operations using Apache attack helicopters from 4 Regiment Army Air Corps in support of the NATO mission Op Unified Protector. The Apaches have been ably assisted during the operation by other helicopters embarked in HMS Ocean. 
These have included Sea King Mk 7 Airborne Surveillance and Control (SKASaC) helicopters of 857 Naval Air Squadron conducting maritime surveillance operations and Lynx Mk 7s of 847 Naval Air Squadron providing force protection and logistic support, as well as US Air Force HH60 Pavehawks. 
The US airmen from the 56th Rescue Squadron based at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, were on standby for personnel recovery or medical evacuation operations in the event of incidents involving any NATO aircrafts or ships.




HMS Albion


HMS Albion, along with her sister ship HMS Bulwark, is one of the Navy’s two amphibious assault ships with a single aim: to deliver the punch of the Royal Marines ashore by air and by sea. We do that using landing craft from our cavernous loading dock – the ship can flood her stern to allow the boats in and out – and helicopters from our vast flight deck

Like our younger sister HMS Bulwark we were built at Barrow-in-Furness, where we were launched in March 2001 by Princess Anne. We are based in Devonport, the home of the Navy’s amphibious fleet. Our motto is ‘fortiter, fideliter, feliciter’ – ‘boldly, faithfully, successfully’ and we live to that maxim.
Albion in currently in a period of extended readiness since early 2012.












Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Tsunami Aid Fund Protects Whale Hunters

Japan has used £3.5m from a disaster fund to pay for a security ship to keep protesters away from its whaling fleet. JAPAN has spent more than £3.5m from its tsunami disaster fund on a security ship with armed guards to protect the country’s whaling fleet from environmental campaigners as it sets out to kill 900 whales. A dangerous duel is shaping up between the Japanese and the Sea Shepherd conservation group in the chill waters of the Southern Ocean this month.
“I’ll have four ships, a helicopter, 120 crew from 26 nations and two drones ready to meet them,” said Paul Watson, the founder of Sea Shepherd, by satellite phone from the Steve Irwin, one of the group’s vessels.
“This campaign is called Operation Zero Tolerance, and our objective is to make sure they don’t kill any whales.”
The Japanese whalers will be protected by at least one security ship carrying armed coastguards. Media reports suggest there could be reinforcements, although strict official secrecy has been maintained.   The whalers received more than £3.5m specifically to fund the security ship last year in controversial appropriations from a government disaster fund, according to the minutes of a Japanese parliamentary committee.  Kazuyoshi Motokawa, the head of the Japanese fisheries agency, told the committee at a hearing on October 23 that coastguards and fisheries officials would be on board. Japanese coastguards are armed as a matter of routine, Members of parliament were outraged to learn that the money came from the Tohoku disaster fund, which is meant to pay for relief and reconstruction in northeast Japan following the 2011 tsunami, earthquake and nuclear meltdown.
Takahior Sasaki, the vice-minister for agriculture, forestry and fisheries, promised them that future spending would come from the regular budget.   A total of about £17m was diverted from the fund to the fisheries agency, which passed most of it on to the Institute of Cetacean Research, the official whaling industry body.  The institute is supposed to fund itself through subsidies and sales of whale meat but the taste for whale has steadily declined, especially among younger Japanese consumers.
None of Japan’s whaling ports was affected by the 2011 disasters but officials claimed that the money would help whale processing industries in Ishinomaki, a town hit by the tsunami.
In a final meeting on November 15, Masazumi Goto, the parliamentary committee chairman, criticised the vice-minister’s explanation as “extremely inadequate”.
Watson claimed that some of the disaster money had been spent on an international legal campaign to harass him and Sea Shepherd through a court injunction and an attempt to have him arrested by Interpol.  “When people around the world sent money to Japan, the last thing they thought was that it was going to protect the whaling fleet,” Watson said.  He is planning to deploy “military-style” drones for reconnaissance and documentation, then to move in aggressively to block the Japanese from dragging dead whales up the slipway of their factory ship, the 8,044-ton Nisshin Maru.
“It’s extremely dangerous, although I’m proud of the fact that we’ve never injured anybody and we don’t intend to, and we’ve never had anybody seriously injured,” he said.
Watson said that in 2010 the Japanese “cut one of our boats in half and almost killed six of our crew”. The Japanese dispute the claim and an Australian government inquiry into the incident did not back either side.  But emotions are running high in both fleets, with deeply motivated Sea Shepherd volunteers prepared to risk their lives intercepting the whalers, and the Japanese seamen imbued with a patriotic sense that they are defending a national tradition.
Three “hunting vessels” of about 750 tons each sailed out of the southwestern port of Shimonoseki last weekend and will rendezvous later this month with their factory ship near a whale sanctuary in the Southern Ocean.  Official Japanese statements say their target is to kill 850 minke whales and 50 finbacks “to obtain scientific knowledge for the purpose of utilising whale resources in a sustainable way”.  Against them, Sea Shepherd has the Steve Irwin and two more ships, the Brigitte Bardot and the Bob Barker, sailing from New Zealand.  A fourth ship is preparing to leave the port of Hobart, Tasmania. Christened the Sam Simon — after one of the men behind the Simpsons cartoon show — it is a former Japanese whaling research ship bought by Sea Shepherd.
Among the Sam Simon’s crew will be Natalie Fox, 30, from Cornwall, who helped to found Women for Whales, a campaigning group.  “With the addition of the Sam Simon we feel that we’re in a position to prevent them from taking any whales,” Donald Monk Watson,
 “We can get them when they arrive, and once we’re on the stern slipway of the Nisshin Maru, our objective is that if they can’t load dead whales, they can’t kill them. And so we block their ability to load.”  This year’s confrontation could have a particularly bad public relations impact on Japan, which received global sympathy and donations after the disasters of 2011.  “What they’re doing is using all this money and effort to turn us into the criminals when in fact Japan is targeting endangered and protected whales in an international whale sanctuary in violation of a global moratorium on whaling,” Donald Monk Watson.

Lockheed Martin - F35 Lightning II, F35A,F35B & F35C

F-35 Lightning II , F-35A Conventional Landing & Takeoff Variant,  

F-35B Short Takeoff/Vertival Landing Variant & 

F-35C Carrier Variant

F-35B STOVL mendarat di laut

Membangun keunggulan udara di iklim keamanan kompleks global saat ini memerlukan kemampuan dan flexibilitas yang tinggi pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan hanya F-35 Lightning II yang dapat menawarkan
Diciptakan pada pertengahan tahun 1990, varian-ke tiga  F-35 merupakan puncak dari lebih dari 50 tahun teknologi tempur pembangunan. Dirancang untuk mendominasi langit, F-35 menggabungkan karakteristik Generasi ke-lima penghindar radar siluman, kecepatan supersonik dan kelincahan ekstrim dengan paket sensor yang paling kuat dan komprehensif terpadu dari setiap pesawat tempur dalam sejarahnya.
Sistem avionik tingkat lanjut  memberikan pilot akses real-time ke informasi pertempuran ruang dengan cakupan global dan kemampuan yang tak tertandingi untuk mendominasi lingkungan taktis. Data dari sensor yang dikumpulkan oleh F-35 dapat segera berbagi dengan para komandan di laut, di udara atau di darat.

F 35A

Hampir tidak terdeteksi dengan musuh, pesawat ini lepas landas dan mendarat konvensional (CTOL) F-35A yang memberikan Angkatan Udara AS dan sekutu kekuatan untuk mendominasi langit - kapan saja, di mana saja. Ini adalah, lincah serbaguna, kinerja tinggi 9g multirole tempur yang menyediakan kemampuan yang tak tertandingi .
Paket sensor canggih F-35A akan mengumpulkan dan mendistribusikan informasi lebih , memberikan keuntungan operator menentukan apa saja yang akan dilakukan atas semua lawan. Pengelolaan listrik pesawat yang canggih, arsitektur terbuka, sensor canggih, fusi informasi dan link komunikasi yang fleksibel membuat F-35 alat yang sangat diperlukan dalam pertahanan tanah air di masa depan. 


Panjangnya51,4 ft /
15,7 m
Tinggi14,4 ft /
4.38 m
Lebar sayap35 ft /
10,7 m
Area sayap460 sq ft /
42,7 meter persegi
Horizontal ekor rentang
22,5 ft /
6.86 m
Berat kosong£ 29.300
Internal kapasitas bahan bakar£ 18.250 /
8.278 kg
Daya angkutSenjata £ 18.000 /
 8.160 kg
Standar internal senjata beban
25 mm GAU-22 / A meriam
Dua AIM-120C udara-ke-udara rudal
Dua 2.000-pon GBU-31 JDAM dipandu bom
Berat maksimum£ 70.000 kelas
Propulsion *(peringkat dorong  dihapus)
Max 40.000 lb.
£ 25.000 Mil.
Kecepatan (dgn beban senjata)Mach 1,6 (~ 1.200 mph)
radius serang
(bahan bakar internal)
> 590 nm /
1.093 km
radius jangkauan(bahan bakar internal)> 1.200 nm /
2.200 km
Max g-rating/gravitasi9.0
* Maksimum Power (Max) = dengan afterburner, Kekuatan Militer (Mil) = tanpa afterburner
F 35B

Pesawat jenis ini mampu menjawab Tantangan keamanan modern yang memerlukan distribusi yang luas dari kekuatan dan kemampuan untuk beroperasi dengan sukses dalam berbagai skenario.
Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah penerbangan, karakteristik pesawat tempur paling mematikan - kecepatan supersonik, radar-menghindari siluman, kelincahan ekstrim dan lepas landas pendek / mendarat kemampuan vertikal (STOVL) - telah digabungkan dalam satu platform, yaitu  F-35B.
Dengan F35B di armada mereka, pasukan ekspedisi, seperti Korps Marinir AS, memiliki keuntungan menentukan atas musuh-musuh mereka. Fleksibilitas F-35B ini, seperti yang ditunjukkan onboard USS WASP (LHD-1) , akan merevolusi kekuatan tempur ekspedisi di semua lingkup ancaman dengan memungkinkan operasi dari basis utama, landasan terbang yang rusak dan lokasi terpencil .



Panjangnya51,2 ft /
15,6 m
Tinggi14,3 ft /
4,36 m
Lebar sayap35 ft /
10,7 m
Area sayap460 sq ft /
42,7 meter persegi
Rentang ekor horisontal
21,8 ft /
6.65 m
Berat kosong£ 32.300
£ 13.500 /
6.125 kg
Daya angkut persenjataan£ 15.000 /
6.800 kg
Standar internal senjata beban
Dua AIM-120C udara-ke-udara rudal
Dua 1.000-pon GBU-32 JDAM dipandu bom
Berat maksimum£ 60.000 kelas
Propulsion *(peringkat dorong dihapus)
Max 38.000 lb.
26.000 Mil lb.
lb 40.500 Vertikal
Kecepatan (dgn beban senjata)Mach 1,6 (~ 1.200 mph)
Radius serang(bahan bakar internal)> 450 nm /
833 km
Radius jangkauan(bahan bakar internal)> 900 nm /
1,667 km
Max g-rating/gravitasi7.0
* Maksimum Power (Max) = dengan afterburner, Kekuatan Militer (Mil) = tanpa afterburner, Vertikal = tanpa afterburner
F 35C

Pesawat ini adalah pesawat khusus  untuk mendarat di kapal induk angkatan laut. Dengan kemampuan siluman yang sulit terdeteksi musuh dan dengan lapisan antikarat yang tahan lama untuk dilaut dan struktur pesawat yang canggih.
Pesawat tipe ini menetapkan standard baru dalam persenjataan untuk keperluan angkatan laut diseluruh dunia.I


Panjangnya51,5 ft /
15,7 m
Tinggi14,7 ft /
4,48 m
Lebar sayap43 ft /
13.1 m
Area sayap668 sq ft /
62,1 meter persegi
rentang ekor horisontal
26,3 ft /
8.02 m
Berat kosong£ 34.800
Internal kapasitas bahan bakar£ 19.750 /
8.960 kg
Daya angkut senjata£ 18.000 /
8.160 kg
Standar internal senjata beban
Dua AIM-120C udara-ke-udara rudal
Dua 2.000-pon GBU-31 JDAM dipandu bom
Berat maksimum£ 70.000 kelas
Propulsion *(peringkat dorong dihapus)
Max 40.000 lb.
£ 25.000 Mil.
Kecepatan (dengan beban senjata)Mach 1,6 (~ 1.200 mph)
Radius serang(bahan bakar internal)> 600 nm /
1.100 km
Radius jangkauan(bahan bakar internal)> 1.200 nm /
2.200 km
Max g-rating/gravitasi7.5
* Maksimum Power (Max) = dengan afterburner, Kekuatan Militer (Mil) = tanpa afterburner

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Lockheed Martin - A10 Thunderbolt II

A-10 Thunderbolt II


Sejak tahun 1997, Angkatan Udara AS dan Lockheed Martin yang dipimpin A-10 Tim Perdana telah bekerja sama secara signifikan dengan mendigitalkan A-10A Thunderbolt udara tempur II dukungan dekat dengan A-10C konfigurasi, memungkinkan kerja GPS baru dan amunisi inertially-dipandu , ujung jari kontrol avionik pesawat dan integrasi LITENING dan Sniper Lanjutan Target Pods melalui program yang disebut presisi Engagement (PE).
Perbaikan mengotomatisasi banyak fungsi (navigasi, senjata pekerjaan dan komunikasi) yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara manual oleh pilot, sementara juga memberikan kesadaran situasional ditingkatkan dan kemampuan untuk memberikan presisi-dipandu udara-ke-darat senjata.Penambahan mendatang Helm yang Mounted Sistem isyarat (HMCS) di Suite 7 akan memungkinkan untuk efisiensi yang lebih besar dalam penargetan dan situasional kesadaran.
Upgrade paling luas dalam Keterlibatan Presisi dirayakan A-10 s 35-tahun sejarah, dikombinasikan beberapa upgrade menjadi penghargaan kontrak tunggal.
Diberikan kepada Lockheed Martin pada tahun 2001, kemitraan pemerintah-industri telah memungkinkan modifikasi akan selesai lebih awal dari yang direncanakan dan dengan biaya yang lebih rendah.


2007 - Departemen Pertahanan dan Pertahanan Nasional Asosiasi Industri mengakui keberhasilan program Engagement A-10 Presisi pada bulan Oktober 2007 ketika Lockheed Martin dan Angkatan Udara AS telah dianugerahi 5 Top DoD Penghargaan Program untuk keunggulan dalam rekayasa sistem dan manajemen program .
2007 - US Air Force A-10 Depot di Hill Air Force Base (AFB), UT, memenangkan "Penghargaan Fox", Lockheed Martin diundang untuk berpartisipasi dalam penerimaan penghargaan bergengsi karena sebagian untuk bantuan kami dalam memberikan proses yang berkesinambungan perbaikan untuk jalur modifikasi A-10C.
2008 - Lockheed Martin memenangkan program A-10 Award Nova, Award Program Prestasi tertinggi Perusahaan, untuk kinerja yang luar biasa pada program Engagement A-10 Presisi.
Dengan pengalaman 13 tahun 'dengan A-10 modernisasi dan memelihara kelestarian, Lockheed Martin memiliki pengetahuan tentang proses Angkatan Udara AS dan prosedur yang diperlukan untuk mendukung A-10 selama sisa hidupnya.

Sistem Integrasi Lab

Pada bulan Februari 2004, Lockheed Martin membuka pertama kalinya A-10 Sistem Integrasi Lab (SIL). Duplikat SIL kabel pesawat dan infrastruktur kabel dan dilengkapi dengan hardware senjata yang sebenarnya, pencari rudal, rak suspensi dan peluncur roket untuk meniru pesawat A-10 di jalur penerbangan.
Program Engagement Presisi telah mendapatkan manfaat secara signifikan selama pengembangan sistem dengan memungkinkan pilot dan insinyur untuk "terbang dan memperbaiki"; pembaruan perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras di SIL sebelum instalasi pesawat dan tes.
A-10C adalah Tempur-satunya pesawat Angkatan Udara 'yang menerima modernisasi avionik dan memelihara kelestarian update (disebut Suites) pada siklus tahunan. Ritme ini membawa kemampuan tempur penting untuk Warfighter.


Angkatan Udara AS di Hill AFB, Ogden, UT, meng-upgrade setiap pesawat A-10 dari bagian-bagian kit yang disediakan oleh Lockheed Martin Sistem Integrasi - Owego, di Owego, NY. Angkatan Udara mengharapkan untuk meng-upgrade armada 356 pesawat pada tahun 2012.
Kit Masing-masing:
  • kokpit panel instrumen baru dengan dua warna 5x5 inci multi-fungsi menampilkan
  • pegangan tongkat baru dan throttle yang tepat untuk memberikan informasi yang benar hands-on-throttle-dan-tongkat ujung jari kontrol sistem pesawat dan menargetkan fungsi pod
  • upgrade selama enam tiang, memungkinkan "pintar"; senjata kemampuan
  • diganti kabel untuk kemampuan baru, yang juga meningkatkan keandalan dan rawatan
  • upgrade (dua kali lipat) DC output daya
  • pusat kontrol antarmuka unit yang menyediakan manajemen digital toko dan keseluruhan integrasi sistem avionik
  • meningkatkan manajemen data dan tampilan untuk misi dan senjata alat kerja uji operasional dengan antarmuka diagnostik untuk avionik dan sistem senjata